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    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Whatta Day

    There's nothing quite like an effin' stress day at work. . . Le sigh!

    This morning, I woke up freely cuz I got to embrace a good night sleep,but forgot some things at home, went to the Bank early to get my new card & got to work 5mins late and drank my all time favorite hot choco which never lets me go to Starbucks anymore.

    I sit, turn on my computer which never fails to be slower than most pc's are, & continue the day with my daily routine. At some point, I look at the damn clock & ask myself why it hasn't moved when I feel like I've been sitting my ass there all day long. & I thought to myself, it was another crappy day that I had to survive without losing too much of my temper.

    Lately, I have been constantly irritated with this guy at work. Perhaps 2 weeks straight to be exact. His ego is so over rated it just makes you wanna smack him in the head. Everytime he sees me doing literally good at work, he boasts to himself he was always the better one. Like duh! As if I care. As long as I get paid from doin' what I do I would care less of him. He can keep his utterly cramped brain all to himself for all I know.

    But since it was Thursday.. it was a minimum day for me. Not too good bcuz during these days, it was my turn to cook at home. And hell, if it makes me feel a lot better, I'd rather give feet a rest.

    So, I head myself home with 2 newspapers in my arm 25 minutes than my usual time upon goin' home. I, for some reason is fond of reading articles that stimulates my mind for more than a little diversion. Agonizing and consuming! I KNOW!
    Anywho, DROPPED BY the grocery to pick up some meat, potatoes (which I really dig whichever way you cook it) & some other foodstuff. Also, sent money to mom & bro for their Birthday. Feels damn good when you hear people express their deepest gratitude y'know! & hurriedly went home to cook real FOOD! It takes me a while to get the hang of this but it was all good. Prepared food just in time before Hubby got home.. Chow down..& dunzo for the day.

    Then, continuance for me to take my beauty rest, every damn Queen needs idleness from time to time. Took my afternoon nap while baby did his thang.

    Woke up before dinner & here I am..awaiting for my next burden. So much for my so-called life..I am gonna call it a day.. Need tah run some errands. OFF tomorrow! :)